Impact of Advertisement on Consumer Purchase Decision: A Case Study of Cosmetic Industries in Mauritius


Dr. Masood Hassan , Mahatma Jam Mercedes ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 136-147 | Views: 333 | Downloads: 71 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6907341

Volume 11 - March 2022 (03)


This study examines the impact of advertisement on consumer purchase decisions in the cosmetic industries of Mauritius. Most companies in Mauritius have very aggressive ways of advertising their products through effective promotional channels; this is due to the huge number of competitors in the market. Advertisements are helpful in creating perceptions among customers and it has been used for many years to influence consumer purchase decision both of these variables are combined to influence the consumer purchase decision. This study was conducted among 156 female and male individuals who use different cosmetic brands and are from different backgrounds. Both regression and correlation analyses were used. The results of this study are strong because all evidence mentions that advertising has a significant impact on consumer purchase decision.


Advertisement, Purchase decision, Consumers, Cosmetic products.


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