A Research on Comparative Steam Education between China and Ghana: A Case Study of Zhejiang Province and Accra Metropolis
Amegah Emelia Edinam , Qian Xusheng ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 16-66 | Views: 198 | Downloads: 60 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7393337
The study's primary objective was to assess teachers' perceptions of innovative science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) teaching in China and Ghana. Three research goals were established to meet this primary research purpose; precisely, the study attempted to; find out how STEAM teaching practice has been implemented China and Ghana; the perceived values and challenges teachers face during the practice of STEAM education in China and Ghana and the suggestions of development of STEAM education in China and Ghana and implications for the rest of the world. The research approach included document gathering, document sorting by relevance, noting thematic concepts, grouping the concepts into a set of categories, and constructing major themes from these categories. After analyzing the associated ideas and codes, sub-themes, and themes culled from many sources of literature, we interpreted each subject in connection to its conceptual codes and sub-themes in the context of STEAM education. The research included five instructors from five schools in Accra, Ghana, and Zhejiang Province, China. The study found that both Ghana and China alluded the fact that the practice STEAM to a certain degree. Teacher in Zhejiang province indicated their preference for discipline specific STEAM integration while teachers in Ghana supported the content-specific STEAM approach out of the four main approaches used. Both countries revealed that they derived benefits from STEAM. This includes adding to relevance to learning material; helping students develop preparedness for college; empowering students; encouraging students to go beyond the comfort zone; helping students discover their interest and many others. Teachers from two countries further opined some challenges they faced with integrating STEAM in their teaching and learning. This also compose of; difficulty for schools’ leaders to change; difficulty for educators to develop their own level of comfort; difficulty in finding time in the curriculum for project-based learning; difficulty in collaborating with other colleagues; inconsistent access to resource; Colleagues teachers’ perception of STEAM integration, difficulty in balancing district or city initiatives and many more. The study revealed the need for improvement in STEAM integration in both countries by ; gaining support from building school leaders; developing community partnerships; speaking with educators who are already integrating STEAM; taking advantage of STEAM professional development opportunities, sharing their success stories.
STEAM education Integration; Teaching practice; Challenges; Advantages; Comparative Study
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