The Impact of Brand Extension on Brand Personality a Case Study of Nestle Pakistan
Dr. Masood Hassan , Muhammad Saif Rizwan Jeewa , Arsal Arif , Khushboo Davi , Rabia Jawad ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 104-112 | Views: 197 | Downloads: 44 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7154136
This research study is to test the impact of Brand Extension on Brand Personality of the brand Nestle, Pakistan. Brand extension is usually done for the well reputed brands, who serve as an umbrella for success of other brands and their products. The variables related to brand extension taken into consideration for this study include the competitive strategy, quality, perceived fit, innovation, and brand loyalty. Data for this study was gathered using primary sources. The instrument used for gathering primary data was the close-ended questionnaire, which was self-administered from a sample of 214 consumers of Nestle. The analysis of the data collected reveals that brand personality does get impact through brand extension. All five variables of brand extension have a significant impact on brand personality. Recommendations are also made for the organization(s) to take advantage of brand extension for future launch of products
Brand Personality, Brand Extension, Competitive Strategy, Quality, Perceived Fit, Innovation, Brand Loyalty
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