A Review on Organization Culture and Employee Performance
Dr. Masood Hassan , Fizzah Shahid , Farzeen Shahid , Mehreen Ejaz ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 129-136 | Views: 189 | Downloads: 41 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7154149
This study is focusing on how the employee performance is being affected by the organizational culture and what is the relationship between two. After going through several previous studies and research on employee performance and organizational culture it’s verified that there is a relation between the organizational culture and employee performance. The study aims to identify the factors of organization culture that have an impact over the performance of employees and how it increases or decreases the performance. How the culture of an organization affects people, their surroundings, process, and systems is assessed through different literature reviews on the employee performance and organization culture. Relationship between the employees is based on the norms and values of an organization according to previous surveys. To increase the performance of employees, employee development through different strategies is highly crucial and should be the goal of an organization to accomplish the desired outcome.
Employee Performance, Strategies, Organizational Culture
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