A Literature Review on the Effects of Ecommerce on Small Businesses


Dr. Masood Hassan , Ayaz Ali , Sehrish Aslam , Laiba Imran ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 42-46 | Views: 194 | Downloads: 45 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7154157

Volume 11 - August 2022 (08)


E-commerce allows businesses to reach millions of potential consumers and suppliers on online. It decreases the need for personnel and creates flexibility and convenience for the organization to develop relationships with potential buyers and sellers. It provides the consumer with a more personalized experience, eliminating the need for physical presence and with the aid of home delivery-commerce has been a part of the shopping experience globally. However, the recent few years have also seen an increasing trend in e-commerce in SMEs, even at a national level. In this study, we investigated the link between EC and business strategy and how it affects the management approach.


SMEs, Business strategy, E-Commerce Adoption


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