Audit Program on Corporate Social Responsibility: Community and Social Media Enterprise Approach


Ardhariksa Zukhruf K , Enjang Pera Irawan ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 110-119 | Views: 1522 | Downloads: 482 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483270

Volume 7 - January 2018 (01)


The unavailability of the easy operational measurement of CSR definition makes the corporates have difficulty in determining the operational standard for evaluating CSR activities, which this is still being polemic. Consequently, CSR is not only difficult to evaluate but also it becomes the social program that cannot meet the suitable target. The purpose of this research is to audit or evaluate corporate social responsibility programs in Indonesia using community development and social media enterprise indicators. The research was conducted in one of an Indonesian company, PT TPPI.
This paper uses interpretive paradigm approach by the qualitative method and descriptive study. In this research, the researcher played as the main figure in collecting data that was influencing and forming the knowledge. The result of this research shows that well-implemented process which has been done by corporate is the aspects of People and Procedure. Meanwhile, in term of community development and social media enterprise, there was a gap analysis. The conclusion derived from this research on audit program of CSR using community development and social media enterprise indicators discovering the idea that TPPI’s position basically aimed to look further between the goal willing by the corporate and its current condition using the appropriate CSR program in order to meet suitable target as well as the corporate operational standard.


Audit Program, CSR, Community Development Indicator, Social Media Indicator, RACE Analysis, Key Performance Indicators


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