Self Determination Theory in the Context of Blood Donor As Co-Producer and Co-Participants: Literature Review
Yuliatin Azizah , Mustofa , Nurshadrina Kartika Sari , Tamriatin Hidayah ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 26-34 | Views: 239 | Downloads: 63 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7549911
Volume 11 - December 2022 (12)
Blood shortage is an international problem. Whereas the need for safe blood to save lives in various situations, especially emergency and epidemic situations. In Indonesia, the need for blood is still 58% of the availability of collected blood. Research needs to be carried out so that the results become recommendations for a strategic plan to increase donors. The marketing concept of service dominant logic is that donors are co-producers and co-participants where donors are not only consumers but co-producers and co-participants because the quantity and quality of blood is managed by the donor. Exploring this concept with self-determination theory so that donor motivation can be known. The study uses a literature review with analytic descriptive examining the literature on Self-Determination Theory for blood donation as a process of building donor relationships as co-producers and co-participants. The research results of self-determination theory are able to build the motivation of blood donors as co-producers and co-participants.
Self Determination, Blood Donor, Co-Producer, Co-Participants
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