Assessing the Situation of Creative Industries in Iran with a Pathological Perspective


Fahimeh Negintaji , Nafiseh Shahinoori ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 66-92 | Views: 235 | Downloads: 80 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7549939

Volume 11 - December 2022 (12)


In recent years, "creative industries" have attracted the attention of advanced economies, and each of them is trying to use it to achieve economic, political and security goals according to the unique functions of this industry. The growing importance of creative industries in policymaking shows the stimulating and facilitating role of these industries in the development path. However, it seems that few studies have been conducted in this field in Iran and therefore a clear picture of how it works is not available. Therefore, the present study has studied the situation of creative industries in Iran with a pathological perspective. In addition to documentary and library studies, the interview techniques were used to collect data in this qualitative study. The statistical population is all activists and experts in the field of creative industries that using purposive sampling method, 7 of them were selected as sample members. The data were first analyzed and coded, then by using "Fuzzy Delphi Method", the opinion of experts was agreed and the importance and weight of the 29 extracted categories were determined. The results show that while the capacities for the development of these industries are significant, the current situation of creative industries in Iran is far from the desired situation, which is mostly affected by the challenges and obstacles facing these industries in Iran which are described in this article.


Creative Industries, Iran, Pathological Perspective


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