The Effect of User Interface Design and User Experience Design on Consumers Purchase Intentions of Shopee Application in Indonesia with Ease of Use as A Mediating Variable


Nabila Auwabina , Ramadania , Nur Afifah , Juniwati , Mustaruddin ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-10 | Views: 319 | Downloads: 106 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7660199

Volume 12 - January 2023 (01)


This study aimed to determine the effect of User Interface Design and User Experience Design on Perceived Ease of Use and Consumers' Purchase Intentions on the Shopee application, which is currently the first rank in e-commerce with the most monthly active users in Indonesia. As there are many users of the Shopee application, it is necessary to determine whether the design and ease of use affect consumers' purchase intentions. This research provided a novelty to the user interface design and user experience design constructs that used perceived ease of use as a mediating variable. The data collection method used a questionnaire with a total of 215 respondents through a purposive sampling technique. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 26 tool, the results of this study indicated that User Interface Design and User Experience Design had a positive and significant effect on Perceived Ease of Use and Purchase Intention.


Perceived Ease of Use, Purchase Intention, Shopee, User Interface Design, User Experience Design


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