The Effect of Workload and Flexibility of Work Hours on Job Satisfaction With Work-Life Balance as Intervening Media


Nita Dwi Safitri , Maria Christiana Imam Kalis , Ilzar Daud , Irfani Hendri , Ana Fitriana ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-19 | Views: 214 | Downloads: 76 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7660209

Volume 12 - January 2023 (01)


Work-life balance is a significant concern for both employees and employers. The rapid growth of technology in today’s world is one factor that adds to the growing problem of excessively long working hours. The long hours at the office to meet targets are still prevalent in Indonesia. It illuminates that Indonesia still lacks a significant lack of work-life balance. This study employed a causal research design. Questionnaires with a Likert scale from 1 to 5 were disseminated (both online and offline) to collect the data. Since the population size could not be identified, non-probability sampling was utilized to determine samples for this study. For data analysis, the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was employed within AMOS 24. The findings revealed that flexible working arrangements and workloads affect employee job satisfaction variables associated with work-life balance intermediates in businesses or other types of organizations.


Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, Workload, Flexibility, Work Hours


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