The Effect of Knowledge Sharing Relationship with Network Capability on Competitive Advantage in Mediating Product Innovation of Indonesian Small Medium Enterprises


Kevin , Nur Afifah , Giriati , Wendy , Helma Malini ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 29-38 | Views: 229 | Downloads: 85 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7660232

Volume 12 - January 2023 (01)


Research on SMEs in the world, especially in Indonesia, is very interesting to conduct. It is because there is increasing business competition and is influenced by technological developments, so it has an impact on SMEs, which are increasingly active in issuing a product. Furthermore, in Indonesia, there has been an increase in the number of SME businesses which has led to the emergence of various variations and business competition, making it interesting to study. This research aimed to investigate the overall effect of the four variables (knowledge sharing and network capability on competitive advantage through product innovation) both directly and indirectly. Data were collected from 201 business people in Indonesia as a sample selected using a purposive sampling technique, while the analysis technique used was SEM AMOS 26. The main findings in this study were that knowledge sharing and network capability had a positive and significant effect on the competitive advantage of SMEs in Indonesia.


Competitive Advantage, Knowledge Sharing, Network Capability, Product Innovation.


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