The Effect of the Application of Graphic Design and Social Media Marketing On Increasing Brand Loyalty
Jennifer Angela Pangestu , Nur Afifah , Helma Malini , Titik Rosnani , Dody Pratama Marumpe ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 39-49 | Views: 267 | Downloads: 88 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7660241
In this era, integrated social media has become one of the most popular marketing strategies companies use. The developments of technology create new mechanisms and communication tools in the modern marketing world, where it is easier for companies to reach and communicate with actual and potential consumers. This study aimed to explore the impact of social media marketing (SMM) activities, brand image, and graphic design in building KFC consumers' loyalty in Indonesia.
The primary source of data collection was obtained from 250 KFC respondents in Indonesia who were chosen using a purposive sampling technique, while the analysis technique used was SEM AMOS 26. The main findings in this study indicated that effective use of social media marketing in the presence of graphic design would increase brand image and consumer loyalty. The relationship between brand image and brand loyalty was also very effective. The resulting output also demonstrated that brand image acted as an arbitrage between social media marketing and graphic design for brand loyalty.
Brand Image; brand loyalty; graphic design; KFC ;social media marketing
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