Residential Crowding and Chandigarh City Planning


Dr. Anita ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 37-46 | Views: 208 | Downloads: 65 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7716335

Volume 12 - February 2023 (02)


The accelerating growth of urban population has been accompanied by haphazard growth of cities leading to the emergence of such problems as overcrowding and creation of slums. Almost every city in the country has a rapidly burgeoning population of slums and pavement developers. In fact, Calcutta and Bombay are among the eight cities, which United Nations had determined as the most crowded Metropolises on the globe.
An immediate victim of this overcrowding has been the quality of urban environment particularly in the large unplanned cities. It is usually accompanied by social ill health and disorder, characteristic feature of an overcrowded urban milieu throughout the world.
Chandigarh is a planned city, planned to avoid ill effects of growth of population. Present paper is to study the nature and degree of crowding in this planned city. It has been found that with the growth of population over time, population has crossed the limit of estimated population.


Residential Crowding, City Planning, Urban Environment


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