The Role of Green Manufacturing Strategies in Sustainable Development
Mahdi Atiyah Mohi Al- Jabouri , Fatima Hussein Kazim , Mejbel Rafiq Murjan ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 54-73 | Views: 263 | Downloads: 74 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7716366
Volume 12 - February 2023 (02)
Effective use of materials is one of the potential components of a green manufacturing strategy. There are many of these strategies proposed in the literature and used in practice, with intellectual debate over what they are, what are the differences between them and how they can be used by practitioners in design and manufacturing to improve the sustainability of their products and processes. This paper reviews the literature on green manufacturing strategies that provide improved material performance. Four main strategies for green manufacturing were found; They are: waste minimization; Material efficiency, resource efficiency; and environmental efficiency. The literature was analyzed to determine the key characteristics of these sustainable manufacturing strategies and 17 characteristics were found. Then the four strategies were evaluated through the motives and obstacles to applying the practices of these strategies through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose. It was distributed to the experts and specialists in charge of the Union Company in the province of Babylon to determine the level and reality of the application of these strategies, and the research reached a set of results, the most important of which.
Green, manufacturing, strategies, sustainable, development
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