Scalable - Vector Based Soundings in Neuro - Decisions
Col Prof Dr. J Satpathy , Dr Larsen Torben , Dr. James Lockhart , Dr Lipsa Mishra ,
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Volume 12 - February 2023 (02)
Mental events, however, distributed, provide the defining problems of the social sciences. What are our basic cognitive operations? How do we use them in judgment, economic decision, action, reason, choice, persuasion, and expression? Do economic decision makers know what they need to know? How do economic decision makers choose? What are the best incentives? When is judgment reliable? Can negotiation work? How do cognitive conceptual resources depend on social and cultural location? How do certain products of cognitive and conceptual systems come to be entrenched as shared knowledge and method?
Brain Waves, Scalable - Vector Based EEG, Alpha Activation, Economic’ Algorithmic, Economic Decision, ECG and Behavioural Feedback
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