Customer Satisfaction as a Moderator between Brand Associations and Consumer Perception of Value: The Case of Mobile Phone Brands in Sri Lanka


M. S. Ishar Ali , Vithya Leninkumar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 111-118 | Views: 201 | Downloads: 70 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7882769

Volume 12 - April 2023 (04)


Brand association and customer satisfaction play a crucial role in enhancing the value perception of mobile phone customers. This study investigates the moderating effect of customer satisfaction between brand associations on customers' perceptions of value. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from mobile phone users in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. The analysis of data was conducted using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS. Customer satisfaction moderates the relationship between brand association and customer perception of value of mobile phones. Brand association has a positive impact on customer perception of value. This study contributes to existing marketing literature by investigating the moderator role of customer satisfaction between brand association and customer perception of value in the mobile phone market. When attempting to increase the perceived value of their consumers, mobile phone marketers should therefore consider fostering positive brand associations and customer satisfaction.


Brand association, Customer Satisfaction, Customer perception of value


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