Remuneration and Employee Performance of Selected Hotels in the Hospitality Industry in Delta State
Ugherughe, Joseph Ediri , Ndudi, Ejimofor Francis , Aliemeke, Stanley ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 174-195 | Views: 222 | Downloads: 68 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7941686
The study examined the effect of remuneration on employee performance in the Nigerian hospitality industry. The study was based on agency theory, stakeholder theory, social exchange theory, and incentive contract theory. The study adopts descriptive survey designs. The study population was 407, and the sample of the study was 202 respondents, which were selected using a random sampling technique. The survey method of data collection was used. The closed-ended questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis in SPSS Version 21. The findings of the study revealed that there are positive and significant effects of remuneration on the performance of employees in the hospitality industry, whereby, The results from the analysis show that salary has positive and significant effects on employee performance (0.00332 < 0.05); incentive has positive and significant effects on employee performance (0.0024 < 0.05); compensation benefits has positive and significant effects on employee performance (0.00335 < 0.05); and employee stock ownership plan has positive and significant effects on employee performance (0.0017 < 0.05). The study concludes that remuneration has positive and significant effects on employee performance in the hospitality industry in Nigeria. The study recommends that firms review the wage structure in order to motivate employees to retain their jobs and increase performance. The study further recommends that organizations should seek to maintain good relationships with their employees by offering good incentives in the form of financial and non-financial compensation.
Delta State, Employee Performance, Hospitality Industry, Hotels, Remuneration.
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