3D Gesture Base Authentication Of Smart Phone
Bigyan Poudel , Wenjun Hu , Minmin Miao ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 166-173 | Views: 194 | Downloads: 58 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7940170
In today’s world mobile device has been a basic need of life. People use their mobile devices daily basis works. Due to this, their information data along with bank information, payment information, social media information, and password are saved in the mobile phone which creates security threads. Those important data can be stolen easily and can be misused by other people.In this study, we are introducing a new method of authentication for the smartphone which includes the user interaction on their smartphone. In other words, we can say 3D gesture base authentication process where the user will use their hand motion in the air and can do authentication easily. The help of an embedded 3D accelerometer and gyroscope which is in the smartphone along with unsupervised machine learning algorithms called Dynamic Time Warping and Hidden Markov models has been used to make the authentication more secure and user friendly.
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Authentication, Hidden Markov model,Dynamic time warping
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