Career Management and Productivity of Public Health Institution: Evidence from Federal Medical Center Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria
DR. ONORIODE, Omorho Humphrey , DR. OBOREH, Lucky Edafetano ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 31-42 | Views: 222 | Downloads: 76 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8013598
This study investigated the relationship between career management and productivity in Federal Medical Center Asaba, Delta State. Career management variables such as career planning, career development, career mentoring, career counseling and succession planning were employed as the independent variables while productivity was employed as the dependent variables. Related conceptual, theoretical and empirical literatures were reviewed. The study was anchored on theory of work adjustment. The study adopted survey research design. The population of the study comprised 1778 employees of Federal Medical Center Asaba. Sample size of 327 was determined using Taro Yamane formula. Questionnaire was employed as the instrument of data collection. The data generated were analyzed using multiple regression technique. The study found that career planning, career development, career mentoring and succession planning had significant positive relationship with productivity while career counseling had an insignificant negative relationship with productivity. The study concludes that career management had significant positive relationship with productivity in Federal Medical Center Asaba. The study recommends amongst others that the management of public health institutions should consider organizing for trainings and seminars for the employees this will help to increase employee skills and competence making them more willing to work harder for the success of the institution.
Career Development, Career Planning, Career Mentoring, Career Counseling, Succession Planning.
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