Transformational Leadership Style and Employee Job Satisfaction


Sinthuja Siva ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 84-92 | Views: 125 | Downloads: 50 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224280

Volume 12 - July 2023 (07)


By exercising leadership, a person tries to persuade other group members to work toward shared objectives. Another way to look at leadership is as a tool that individuals use to bring out the best in one another and themselves. The degree to which current leadership philosophies are related to job satisfaction varies.Numerous studies have shown that transformational leadership, as opposed to transactional or laissez-faire leadership, results in better levels of job satisfaction.The overall aim of the study was to investigate the impact of Transformational Leadership Style on employee job satisfaction of government employees in divisional secretariats in Nuwara-Eliya District. Data from 150 respondents were collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS.This study employed the regression analysis method to assess the significant influence of leadership style. The findings showed that transformational leadership significantly explained 55.2% of the variance in job satisfaction. Furthermore, a positive correlation was observed between transformational leadership style and job happiness. These results underscore the importance of leadership style in shaping job satisfaction among government employees in divisional secretariats. Further research directions are proposed to deepen the understanding of the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions of this relationship, thus providing practical insights for effective leadership practices and employee well-being.


Transformational Leadership Style, Employee Job Satisfaction


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