Evaluation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Peshawar In Pakistan By Comparison With International Standards


Engr. Jawad Mehmood , Dr. Sameer Ud-Din , Dr. Muhammad Jawad Iqbal , Engr. Fawad Mehmood ,

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Volume 12 - August 2023 (08)


BRT Peshawar is introduced in the business hub of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Peshawar city which bears an important geographical location in Asia to enhance transport efficiency, and reduce carbon footprints, congestion and safety issues. This research study has evaluated BRT Peshawar by comparing it with international standards of “BRT Standards 2016”. It was found satisfactory as it meets most of the criteria of international standards, and achieved “Gold Standard BRT” status. However, improvement is needed in some key areas like service planning, infrastructure, and access and integration in which it has scored little low. The policy makers and operating agencies should focus on operating hours, passing lanes, bicycle lanes, and integration of bicycle sharing for increased ridership, service quality and user satisfaction.


Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Evaluation, Peshawar BRT, BRT Standards 2016, BRT Scoring, Performance Evaluation


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