Human Resources Management As a Determination of Star Hotel Performance in Indonesia


T. Nurhaida , Immanuel Edy Suranta Sebayang ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 19-29 | Views: 245 | Downloads: 79 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224212

Volume 12 - July 2023 (07)


Indonesia has various types of industries, one of which is the hospitality service industry. The room occupancy rate in hotels, especially the star ones, decreased for 2016-2020. This was caused by the less effective and not optimum implementation of human resources (HR) management, the HR recruited were less competent in their field and unsuitably placed in some positions, lacking motivation, guidance, and supervision to carry out their duties. These problems affected the HR performance and decreased work productivity. Consequently, the hotel performance also decreased due to not maximum services provided to tourists. Another effect was the room occupancy rates in hotels, especially star hotels tended to decline. This research employed descriptive quantitative through path analysis using SPSS 22.The population of this study included 7,021 employees working in five-star hotels in Indonesia. By purposive sampling technique, 100 employees of the population were taken as the samples. The study results based on the partial hypothesis showed that the variables of HR planning, HR organization, and work supervision for employees had a positive and significant effect on the work productivity of star hotel employees in Indonesia, and these three variables affected the performance of star hotels in Indonesia. Simultaneously, the variables of HR planning, HR organizing, and work supervision had a positive and significant impact on the performance of star hotels in Indonesia through the work productivity of the star hotel employees in Indonesia.


hr planning, hr organizing, giving motivation, work supervision, work productivity


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