An Empirical Analysis to Investigate the Influence of 5As on the Tourists Satisfaction to the Celebration of Banatu Festival in the Philippines


Dr. Fhrizz S. De Jesus , Dr. Rasha Amira Subido-Khalil ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 67-83 | Views: 181 | Downloads: 58 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224265

Volume 12 - July 2023 (07)


In Cabanatuan City, the most progressive city in Nueva Ecija celebrated their festival every first week of January with a five-day celebration wrapped around the first ever “Banatu Festival,” which showcased the history, culture, talent, beauty and creativity of local folks. It is important to determine the satisfaction of tourists as it is one of the leading factors which assists to deal with the competitiveness of the tourism industry where the festival arranged. The general objectives of this study are to assess tourist satisfaction and to identify problems with the 5A's which could have feasible solutions in order to provide a development strategy for the Philippine Banatu Festival celebrations.This study utilized a descriptive research design with quantitative approach and with help of ready-made questionnaire in gathering all information to investigate the tourists’ satisfaction using 5A’s on the celebration of Banatu Festival. This study was conducted at Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, where the respondents are identified. The respondents of this study came from the tourist of Banatu Festival to give the researchers enough data to find out the result. Statistical tools such as Percentage, Frequency Distribution, and Weighted Mean were used in analyzing the data gathered. Majority of the respondents were female, the age range of most of the respondents is between 15-24 years old. Most of the respondents agreed that the accommodation was adequate, safe, and provided the best conditions for the event. It is recommended to pursue the activities that bring entertainment to the tourist. Moreover, the researchers recommended to initiate events or activities that suitable for all ages including teenagers and children.


5A’s of Tourism, Satisfaction, Banatu Festival


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