Agribusiness Supply Chain Management through Digital Innovation: Sustainability versus Traceability


Spallini Sabrini ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 28-35 | Views: 79 | Downloads: 19 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10370445

Volume 12 - October 2023 (10)


Blockchain technology is considered as a type of disruptive technology and as one of the first tools of Industry 4.0 today.
It evolves in its applications and its characteristics adapt to increasingly diverse business processes, from cryptocurrency to business transactions, from supply chain control to customer communication. Its adoption by companies has led to profound changes in their business models.
Blockchain can be a strategic lever in the agri-food supply chain to reduce food waste and increase awareness of what is consumed, as higher quality products have a positive impact on consumers' health and quality of life.
The aim of this research is to analyse the use of blockchain in the traceability of the agri-food chain, in order to ensure transparency, provide a secure way to track and transfer resources through supply chains, and limit the risks of food fraud and safety.
It is important to bear in mind that its introduction is not just a technological innovation. It is a real business model that affects the whole life of a company and is used in different production sectors. It increases the effectiveness and efficiency of a company's sustainability policy and helps even smaller companies to communicate directly with all actors in the production chain.
To demonstrate these hypotheses, we will use representative case studies located in the Puglia region.The companies will be treated as best practices, because thanks to these technologies they have been able to innovate their products and expand their markets at national and international level.


Blockchain; Supply-chain; Sustainability; Agribusiness


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