The Impact of Bureaucracy Problems on Investment Opportunities -The Case of Jordan-
Mohammad Raja Salah , Eid Abass Al-rafia ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 32-55 | Views: 68 | Downloads: 20 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10824931
Volume 13 - February 2024 (02)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of bureaucracy problems on investment opportunities. A well-structured five Likert's scale questionnaire is used to collect data from a targeted population of 280 respondents. Data collected is used to give clear answers to wither bureaucracy problems have impact on investment opportunities or not. Statistical package No 16 is used to generate analysis. Various kinds of statistics were included such as tables, means and standard deviations, coefficients and so on. Results have confirmed that these problems have strong negative impact on investment opportunities in Jordan, therefore the null hypothesis are rejected. Given the significant strong negative relationship between bureaucracy problems and investment opportunities, it is practically necessary to continuously improve public operational systems and avoid the adoption of excessive bureaucratic systems. Flexible systems and Easier and simpler procedures can be reinforced to weaken the impact of these obstacles on investment opportunities.
Bureaucratic systems, Bureaucratic problems, Investment opportunities.Jordan
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