Attractiveness, Trustworthiness and Expertise of Influencers and Purchase Intention
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With a particular focus on the Sri Lankan cosmetics market, this study investigates the impact of social media influencer marketing on customer purchase intentions. Using a quantitative methodology, the study looks at purchase intention as the dependent variable and social media influencer marketing as the independent variable. Social media influencer marketing is measured using three dimensions: influencer trustworthiness, influencer attractiveness, and influencer expertise. A five-point Likert scale is used in a structured questionnaire to collect data, and convenience sampling is used to select a sample of 250 respondents in Sri Lanka. This study employs Univariate analysis (mean, standard deviation) and Bivariate analysis (regression analysis) with SPSS statistics, version 26. The results of the correlation study show that purchase intention and social media marketing have a statistically significant and favorable relationship. The consumer purchase intention variable was found to be 69.9% influenced by the factors in the model that were created: influencer attractiveness, influencer trustworthiness, and influencer expertise. The remaining 30.1% of the variables were influenced by variables that were not included in the study. The current study will contribute to the enhancement of the cosmetics industry's social media influencer marketing initiatives. The study has discovered that social media marketing initiatives significantly increase consumers' inclination to make a purchase. This study also acts as a guideline for all researchers interested in investigating this topic, and cosmetic companies can benefit from implementing the social media macro concept to boost purchase intention within the industry.
Influencer Attractiveness, Influencer Trustworthiness, Influencer Expertise.
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