Sociological Investigation of the Tendency to Have a Premarital Relationship with the Opposite Sex and the Factors Affecting It (A case study of male and female students of the second secondary level in Khalkhal high schools)
Dr. Seyed Mohammad Reza Rashidi Al Hashem , Davood Komijani , Hossein Muslimi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 15-29 | Views: 80 | Downloads: 22 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12789501
The purpose of this article is to study the tendency towards premarital relationships among boys and girls. This issue was investigated and researched as a case study in Khalkhal high schools. Our study method was a survey. Our statistical population of all girls' and boys' high schools in the second stage of high school included 2532 people who were selected using systematic sampling and using Cochran's formula, 346 people from each school in one or two classes. Our measuring tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, and its validity was formalized by sociological experts.The reliability of our questionnaire and variables was 0.66 to 0.85, which shows the reliability, capability and reliability of the tool. The value of the correlation coefficient of the regression model was equal to 0.807. The coefficient of determination is equal to 0.651; That is, 0.651 of dependent variable changes are explained by independent variables. And 0.349% depends on other factors, considering that the dependent variable is more influential than the family encouragement variable, it can be said that family encouragement has the greatest impact on the amount of premarital relationship with the opposite sex compared to other variables. According to the significance level of three independent variables of friends' agreement (0.000), family encouragement (0.000) and religious adherence (0.000) is less than 0.05, all independent variables have an effect on the dependent variable of premarital relationships.
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