Knowledge Management Strategy and Organizational Creative Performance Nexus: A Developing Countries Perspective
Syed Shahid Hussain , Dr. Wasif Ali Waseer ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-14 | Views: 1865 | Downloads: 562 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483287
The extant literature evidently emphasizes that knowledge is a strategic asset in this competitive landscape. This strategic asset can manage the organizations which have to make competitive business strategies. There are two schools of thought exist in the literature while making any knowledge management strategy; the first one is a system-oriented approach which is hardly examined empirically in the literature. This research paper nonetheless, is an effort to investigate the impact of system-oriented KM strategy on the organizational creativity and performance. The integrative research model was used to test hypothesis empirically. It is to be noted that cross-sectional survey was carried out. The total sample size was (N 116), and data have filled out through questionnaires from 30 privately-run business organizations. Several hypotheses are tested, and it is observed that system-oriented approach is equally effective in the developing countries. It was recommended that researchers replicate the same study in other sectors in developing countries
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Strategy, Organizational Creativity, Organizational Performance, Explicit-tacit knowledge
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