A Systematic Review of Literatures on Dominating Factors Influencing Work-Life Balance of Female Employees


Farzana Akter ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 20-34 | Views: 35 | Downloads: 7 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14379063

Volume 13 - September 2024 (09)


Employment and family are two indispensable parts of the lives of career women. Working women typically manage two jobs continuously at home and the workplace, making it difficult to find equilibrium in their personal and professional lives in this rapidly changing world. This paper attempts to identify the key elements influencing employed women's work-life balance (WLB) by reviewing previous literature findings. The results of the investigation suggest that regardless of the industry, country, or culture of an employee, organizational support, work demands, time demands, gender perception, role demands, and support from spouse and families are among the common factors that either improve or impede their ability to strike equilibrium between professional and personal life. These findings will give an important lead in promotional policies and decision-making for policymakers and organizations.


work-life balance, WLB, working women, female employees, review, gender, role


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