Evaluating the Empirical Support for Cultural Intelligence Theory in International Business


Khalid Al-Akhal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 29-42 | Views: 1589 | Downloads: 464 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483325

Volume 7 - February 2018 (02)


The cultural intelligence theory (CQ) is an important contemporary perspective for global business success. However, to some scholars, the definition of CQ remains confusing with inadequate empirical testing to its operationalization in the international business context. This paper aims at evaluating the empirical support for the Cultural Intelligence theory (CQ) in the international business (IB) context. The paper also sheds light on the multidisciplinary nature of CQ research and answers deeper questions, i.e., what leads to higher CQ, where CQ is most and least supported and among CQ dimensions, which one has the greatest and least effect on which dependent variable. Following a replicable and rigorous systematic review method, the paper examines a total of 222 empirical tests from 53 articles in the international business context. The total support for CQ as an independent variable was 74% while the most tested dependent variables were ‘professional performance,’ ‘general adjustment,’ ‘work adjustment,’ and ‘interaction adjustment.’ Levels of support for CQ effects on these variables were 59%, 83%, 68% and 78% respectively.


Cultural Intelligence; International Business; Systematic Review; Performance; Expatriates Adjustment; Multinational Corporations.


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