Impulse Buying Behaviour in Online Business Environment a Literature Review
Prof. G V Chalam , Mrs Satyavani B ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 110-116 | Views: 1444 | Downloads: 541 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483351
Consumer behaviour has changed drastically in the past decade. Today, consumers can order anything from anyplace with just a click, being online. The internet revolution has brought about a paradigm shift in the way things are done. The Internet and worldwide web (www) have dramatically changed the way consumers seek and use information. The Internet, which was earlier conceptualized as a tool for enchasing information, has become a prominent place of business these days.For businesses today, the key to survival and the mantra for success greatly depends on how well they can integrate this medium in their business methodologies. In order to sell anything over the internet, they have to identify, analyse and deeply understand the clicks of fingers of the online consumers throughout the world. As a retailer in a physical retail outlet tries to understand and answer the entire why’s and how’s of offline customers in the form of studying their behaviour, the online marketer too needs to possess a deep understanding of his customer behaviours. This possesses the greatest challenge to businesses today.The major purpose of this paper is to compile the research literature available related to impulse buying behaviour in an online environment. The paper offers a brief overview of the few studies related to online impulse buying concept.
Consumer behaviour, Online Consumers, Online environment, Impulse buying behaviour, Retailers.
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