Foreign Market Entry Strategies: The Case of Guaranty Trust Bank to Penetrate the Gambian Market 


Abdoulie Sohna , Prof Jiang Xinying , Akowuah Samuel ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 13-21 | Views: 1279 | Downloads: 436 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483443

Volume 7 - April 2018 (04)


the phenomenon of foreign market entry strategies is intensifying at an astonishing path and other studies related to related to the same lexicon. The business transition from one country to a new market has offered great impact in the manner of development of these foreign firms. The has created myriad windows of a business chance for firms to increase their revenue and expand their business as well. However, the result of this finding shows that 56% of the respondents were operating as at the level of middle management then followed by the higher up management-level employees at 33% while lower management scored 11% of the total respondents. This financial institution had put into consideration myriad of strategies for entering the Gambian terrain


FDI (Foreign direct investment), firms, banks, Market


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