Investigating the Relationship between Social Capital and Organizational Leadership Case Study Calcimin Company in Zanjan Province


Ali Almasi , Kamran Yeganegi , Abolfazl Moghaddam ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 154-160 | Views: 1226 | Downloads: 372 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483369

Volume 7 - February 2018 (02)


For development in the present, we need more social capital than economic, physical and human capital, because, without this capital, the optimal use of other capital is not possible. In the past, social capital was not explicitly taken into consideration, but at present, changing environmental acceleration, information technology, the growing need for information and education, the growing need for innovation and creativity, and the need for continuous improvement of the organization. Which leaders of organizations consider social capital as an invaluable organizational resource. On the other hand, organizational initiatives are one of the important tools for measuring the performance of organizations. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between social capital and organizational leadership in the company of calcimin. The research method is a descriptive survey of the applied type, and the statistical population of this research is 435 people including employees and managers of the company calcimin. According to the Cochran sampling formula, 160 of them were selected as the sample. In this research, the main hypothesis and three sub-hypotheses As a result of the hypothesis test, all the assumptions were confirmed, and the relationship between social capital and its three dimensions as independent variables was confirmed by the organizational lead as a dependent variable. Following the research findings, functional and operational proposals were presented separately from the hypotheses.


Social Capital, Organizational Leadership, and calcimin Company


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