Legal Challenges for Chinese Investment in Special Economics Zones in Mexico.


Lizette Ramos ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 10-21 | Views: 1131 | Downloads: 374 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470719

Volume 6 - May 2017 (05)


It is a clear fact that from November last year the world changed considerably, however, before a new geopolitics, it is advisable to have new partners and redesign economic policies according to the needs.For this reason, I would like to point out that this article is still an unfinished topic, it is under construction because it is derived from the international situation, what I write below is for comments and suggestions.
On the other hand, Mexico just created Special Economic Zones based on China's experience in order to receive foreign capital to invest in areas such as aerospace, electricity, automotive and energy sectors. After the blunder regarding cancellation of the tender train, Mexico to build mutual trust, deeper integration of their interests and promote exchange one by one, in addition to exert its influence in the region to promote the relationship between China and Latin America.Moreover, in Guangdong, May 2016, was held the “Mexico-China  Cooperation Forum”. The forum opened with the signing of 18 cooperation agreements, including projects to promote investment and to facilitate information exchange. Additionally, on the last day of G20 summits, the presidents of the People's Republic of China and Mexico discussed the opportunity to chart a roadmap of bilateral cooperation for the next five years, in which it is envisaged to cooperate in the construction of Special Economic Zones.


Special Economic Zones, Asia-Pacific, China, Mexico, economy, foreign trade, investment, strategic partnership.


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