Reviewing the Regional Imbalances in Iran
Mohammad Ali Eftekhari zeid Abadi , Kamran Yeganegi , Amir Mahmood zadeh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 213-222 | Views: 1288 | Downloads: 362 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483385
As one of the main characteristics of the Third World and developing countries, the rapid and increasing development of urbanization along with the increasing concentration of population and activities in some regions, has caused regional imbalances. The result of such a feature, which can be known as the effect of the polar growth policies, is that most of the country's facilities are concentrated in one or more regions and other areas acts as the city margins. Another serious challenge in large cities, caused by the speed of urbanization and the increasing concentration of population and activities in some areas, has been the problems such as air pollution, traffic, crime, and so on. In this regard, by the comparative study of the various economic, social and physical indicators in different regions, it is possible to clarify the way in which facilities and services are distributed relative to each other. The status of different geographical areas can be compared, and also, the facilities and constraints can be ranked and prioritized with the help of the indicators. Thus, the capabilities and constraints of different geographical areas in terms of utilization of services, infrastructures etc. can be identified using these indicators and it would be possible to provide the necessary tools for decision making and setting goals with the help of the mentioned indicators.
Therefore, the environmental reform approach can be adopted in order to achieve a coordinated and balanced development in the country and also, further investments should be made in reducing regional inequalities so that it would be possible to improve the existing structure through the environment reform, reduce inequalities, avoid creating new inequalities, and promote the people's lives
regional development, regional balance, regional planning
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