Entrepreneurial Motivation Is the Key to Success for Entrepreneur Business 


Sheikh Farhan Ashraf , Prof Dr Cai Li , Ann Dodor , Majid Murad ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 43-60 | Views: 1663 | Downloads: 406 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483415

Volume 7 - March 2018 (03)


this paper is about entrepreneurial motivation and opportunities which he acquires through different entrepreneurship characteristics. In this paper a researcher highlights the already published quantitative and qualitative research studies on entrepreneurship. Now a day’s the entrepreneurial motivation and startup is the core topic in the field of entrepreneurship, so I wrote this paper for entrepreneur who needs to enhance his business and earn maximum money. Recent research on Entrepreneurship has been concentrated to a great extent on full-scale level natural powers. Malevolence to the fact analyst gets the focus with having legitimately reproached an incredible piece of the ebb and flow trial inquire about with respect to human motivation in Entrepreneurship; many scholars accept that the progression of the business theory requires thought of the motivations of people settling on entrepreneurial decisions.


Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Opportunities, Decision Making


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