A Review of New Leadership Theories and Its Components


Shahram Mollazadeh , Kamran Yeganegi , Amir Mahmood zadeh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 223-234 | Views: 1148 | Downloads: 419 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483393

Volume 7 - February 2018 (02)


The Humanities thinkers discuss the concept of leadership from a variety of dimensions. A group considers leadership as a part of the management's duties; another group believes there is a broader concept for leadership compared to management, and they consider it as the ability to persuade others to diligently seek to achieve certain goals, or they see them as activities that influence people to endeavor enthusiastically in order to achieve the influential group's goals, and others define leadership as influencing people to achieve a common goal (Rezaiean, 2011). Despite many definitions given about the leadership, some common points among all the above could be yet emphasized in case of the leadership definition. These common points are as follows (A) Leadership is a process (B) Leadership is mixed with change (C) Leadership occurs within a group (D) Leadership is purposeful (Afjeie, 2011).
This article has deeply dealt with this issue


leadership; management; style; model


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