Explaining Factors Affecting Strategic Planning Success (A Case Study of Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company)
Keivan Angoorani , Kamran Yeganegi , Abolfazl Moghaddam ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 61-69 | Views: 1192 | Downloads: 381 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483427
The main purpose of this article is to review the effect of a model to explain the effective factors in the success of strategic planning in Iranian Offshore Engineering & Construction Company (IOEC). The research, as it uses questionnaires, is a descriptive survey, and as all the goals of this research are chosen to acquire sufficient knowledge to fulfill a certain known need, this research is applied purpose-wise. The sample of this study consists of experts and active individuals (supervisors, high-end mid-ranking directors) in strategies planning projects of IOEC, who are 106 in total. To predict the size of the sample, Morgan’s table was used, and, as the initial sample was 106, a final tally of 85 was acquired. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample. By accounting for a %5 error in collecting the questionnaires, 90 questionnaires were distributed in total, out of which 85 were usable for the current research purposes. Therefore, the data in these questionnaires were entered into SPSS, and the relevant analyses were conducted. Using the researcher-made questionnaire, whose validity stood at 0.724 based on face validity and KMO method, and whose reliability was at 0.916 based on Cronbach’s Alpha, the data was gathered. The descriptive statistical analysis was used through SPSS to analyze the data. The acquired results show that there is a meaningful relationship between leadership, organization support, organization capabilities, leader-member relations, and organization culture with the success of strategic planning in IOEC.
success, strategic planning, leadership, management
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