Effects of Conflict Management Strategies on Organizational Performance: A Case of the National Empowerment Network of People living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya


Dr. Kennedy Ogollah , Enid Grace Anono ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 79-96 | Views: 1725 | Downloads: 405 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483435

Volume 7 - March 2018 (03)


This study aimed to establish the importance of proper selection and implementation of conflict management strategies in an organization while looking at the capacity building as a cause of conflict. The study recognizes the value of undertaking capacity building exercises but notes that it can also lead to conflict that may damage an organization’s ability to perform. In the study, therefore, the effects of conflict management strategies on organizational performance were examined using the National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya as a case study. A total of 49 respondents comprising NEPHAK employees, volunteers and board of directors were selected through the use of stratified random sampling technique. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data, which was analyzed through descriptive statistics. Spearman Correlation statistics was employed to determine the empirical test results and found a significantly positive relationship between organizational performance and conflict management strategies of collaborating, compromising and accommodating while competing and avoiding strategies reflected a negative effect on performance. The study concluded that conflict is inevitable and it could either have a positive or negative effect on performance depending on the conflict management methods adopted by the organization. The study, therefore, concludes that integrative bargaining methods of collaborating, compromising and accommodating were the most selected strategies as these present positive effects on the overall organizational performance and therefore recommends adoption of integrative methods.


Conflict; Conflict Management; Organization; Organizational Performance


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