Work Motivation And Performance Of Treasurers Of SKPD Sorong Regency, Indonesia
Ari Wijayanti , Budiyanto , Suhermin ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 46-55 | Views: 1299 | Downloads: 440 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483457
This study aimed to investigate the effect of leadership, training, and competency on work motivation and performance of treasurers within Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD; Regional Work Unit) in Sorong Regency. This study used census technique or saturated sampling of which population was about 153 treasures of SKPD in Sorong Regency. The research instrument was questionnaires that the results were generated for data analysis. The analysis results were described in figures, tables, statistical analysis, discussion, and research conclusion. Furthermore, the results indicated that leadership affected work motivation, but did not influence job performance. Then, training gave an impact on work motivation as well as job performance. While competency affected work motivation and performance. Last, work motivation influenced job performance
Work Motivation, Work Performance
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