The impact of Implementing Total Quality on the Banking Profitability of Saudi Market Case Study of Al Rajhi Bank


Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Muhsen Irsheid Alafeef ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 95-109 | Views: 1139 | Downloads: 389 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483469

Volume 7 - April 2018 (04)


this study aimed to identify the total quality of banking service and its impact on the profitability of Al Rajhi bank represented by return on investment rates, with the goal to make recommendations that will help the bank to improve the quality of banking service provided to customers. The multiple regression models and a T-test were used to examine the hypotheses and produce results for decision makers, through SPSS program. The study reached a number of results, the most important are: the existence of significant statistical relations between the total quality of banking service provided and the satisfaction of customers, between the satisfaction and loyalty of Al Rajhi Bank customers, and the quality of the banking service provided effectively and the profitability of Al Rajhi Bank. The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important are: Al Rajhi Bank's quality of service, especially the tangible physical aspects showed the interest and personal knowledge of customers, holding targeted training courses to improve performance and speed of delivery, good treatment of customers, and their impact on customer's satisfaction and degree of loyalty, and linking it to the profitability of the bank


Total quality, Al Rajhi bank, customer satisfaction, banking profitability.


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