The Analysis of Triple Bottom Line Concept Implementation in CSR Program through Local Food Processing Industry
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This research attempted to analyze the implementation of triple bottom line concept in CSR program through local food processing industry. This was done because there were still few CSR programs in Indonesia which are integrating aspects of the planet, profit, and people .Therefore, the method used in this research was the qualitative method with single case study design. The data for this research were collected through interviews and observations with CSR program managers and relevant stakeholders. The data were analyzed using reduction process, data presentation, and conclusion (verification) techniques. Then, the data validity was tested through data and source triangulation techniques. The CSR program implemented by PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk.(EMP) is a form of fulfilling company's moral obligations, to reputation-building strategies, operating permit motives, and sustainable business building strategies. The implementation of CSR applies triple bottom line concept that includes: 1) the aspect of people which empowers people, 2) the aspect of profit, which improves the economic welfare of society and eases the company's operating costs, and 3) the aspect of planet, which is managing the natural environment properly to help sustain the sago raw material availability. The positive impact of this CSR program is the improvement of environmental quality, the increase of the number of entrepreneurs in the company's operating area, the establishment of a more harmonious relationship between the company and stakeholders, especially the surrounding community. To improve CSR program implementation, the following measures should be done: 1) Increasing business management mentors with good business and communication competence, 2) Facilitators and mentors need to be equipped with communication and public relations competence, especially community relation competence, 3) To help improving sales, sago-based products need to be marketed on a well-known online shop.
CSR, Triple, Bottom, Line
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