Factors Affecting Drop Out Rate At Secondary School Level In Private Schools Of Punjab, Pakistan


Sami Ullah , Tahira Bibi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 22-27 | Views: 1232 | Downloads: 397 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483445

Volume 7 - April 2018 (04)


The purpose of the study was aimed at assessment of the contribution of private School management to increase enrollment and retention rate at secondary school level at private schools in Punjab. A major objective of the study was to highlight the reason of dropout. A sample of 93(31 head teacher and 62 Secondary school teacher) were selected systematically from private schools of Punjab. 2 separate questionnaires for school heads and class teachers were prepared and administered personally among the respondent. Collected data was analyzed by considering the objectives of the study. The descriptive statistics tools were used to analyze including percentage and mean score. It appears from the data that majority of respondents were of the view that many of the students change their school due to the quality of education, frequent change of teacher, physical facilities and nonqualified staff. It was further assessed that poverty and unemployment is a reason of dropout at the secondary school level. Majority of respondents were of the view that corporal punishment and uneducated parents cause a dropout. It was recommended that to increase school enrollment school should organize parents teacher meeting and should provide a learning environment. School should offer some scholarship and some technical courses to overcome unemployment and poverty issues


Dropout Rate, Secondary School Level, Private Schools Punjab


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