Influence of Microfinance Operating Model on Clients Impacts Reliazation: Evidence from BCC MFI from Tanzania
Elirehema Kaaya , Dr. Joseph Magali ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 11-21 | Views: 1305 | Downloads: 387 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3483481
The main objective of this paper is to assess the impact of Building a Caring Community (BCC) microcredit program on livelihood improvement of the clients at Moshi town, Tanzania. Specifically, the study evaluates the client’s changes of livelihood on income, food adequacy, assets, capital, health, and education. The purposive sampling procedure was applied to select a sample size of 123 BCC beneficiaries who received loans for a period of more than one year. Interviews and questionnaires were used as main data collection tools and data were analyzed using descriptive, paired t-test and logistic regression model. The findings of this study (p-values < 0.05) reveal that there was a significant improvement in overall family annual income, number of meals taken per day, ability to buy assets, access to health and education services and business value after taking a loan from BCC microcredit program. Specifically, the study reveals that the maximum income increased from 0.5 to 1.5 million Tanzanian Shillings (Tshs) while the maximum business capital changed from 1 to 2 million Tshs and the number of meal increased from 1 to 3 meals per day before and after taking loans from BCC MFI respectively. The study recommends more training to BCC members and management so as to promote more impacts to BCC and members.
Building a Caring Community, Microcredit Loans, Borrowers’ Livelihood Improvement, Tanzania
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