Tourism infrastructure development and maintenance: The instrumentality to destination competitiveness.
Dorothy M.F Zengeni , Prof Victor Ngonidzashe Muzvidziwa ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 101-108 | Views: 1119 | Downloads: 359 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484209
The instrumentality of tourism infrastructure within tourism destination has been viewed by many scholars as being very critical (Adebayo and Iweka 2014). The infrastructure is as a result of development which the status quo is pointing to the local government as the leading partner in development followed by the local investors and then lastly the foreign investors. Continual usage will result in the dilapidation of these infrastructures, creating the need for continual and on-going maintenance mechanism to be strategized and to be put in place. Major challenges which are currently being faced by the developers included funding, easiness of doing business and poor stakeholder coordination. In conclusion, the empirical evidence reviewed the centrality of tourism infrastructure development and maintenance to tourism growth.
Tourism infrastructure, development, maintenance, and instrumentality.
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