The Level of Patient Satisfaction in Health Sector of Pakistan: A Systematic Review
Mehwish Jamil , Sajida , Amber Waqar , Chaudhary Abdul Rehman ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 129-136 | Views: 1645 | Downloads: 398 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484219
The Pakistan is not at the stage to achieving the desired health task. It is very important to make some policies and standard operating procedure for enlightening health sector. These policies should use for the long term welfares for the health sector not only for short term. There is really need to do some extra in health sector of Pakistan. Its responsibility of the government to take initiative for every domain of the health sector either private or government. This article detected six themes from the studies of 2003 to 2016 which are mainly affected to the patient satisfaction in Pakistan. Our systematic review stated that Hospital Service and Quality Services are the main factors who affect the level of patient satisfaction in Pakistan, the rest of the factors having low effects on the patient satisfaction in Pakistan. The main focus of the Pakistani is on the quality service and what types of services are providing by the hospitals to the patient.
Health Sector, Level of Patient Satisfaction
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