Prioritizing Railway Network Development Options from the Passenger Transportation Point of View; Case Study: I.R. Iran
Naser Bakhtiari , Iraj Radmehr , Kamran Yeganegi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 86-93 | Views: 1327 | Downloads: 352 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484277
the development of railway transportation network has been paid attention to in recent years because of some advantages over the other transportation ways such as lower fuel consumption, lower pollutant production, environmental protection, lower area occupation and higher safety levels. The construction of important lines such as Bafq- Bandar Abbas, Mashhad-Sarakhs, Ardakan- chadormalu, Bafq-Mashhad and two-way lines of Tehran-Qom and Tehran-Mashhad confirms are examples of the efforts for the railway network development.
In order to choose and propose a line to be constructed and provide technical and economic justification reports for the projects, usually the “freight transportation” is considered as the important factor in the calculations because of the higher economic gains and lower operational costs in comparison with the “passenger transportation.” Besides this factor, there are some other important factors such as social and cultural development and reducing human fatalities. By considering these factors in spite of the cost as the design factors, it is possible to include the “passenger transportation” in the selection factors of proposing new lines for construction. In this paper, by reviewing previous researches in the field of railway network development and gathering the most recent information about the development plans, the proposed plans for the development are presented. The criteria for comparison of the plans are chosen and prioritizing the plans is performed using “TOPSIS” decision analysis method with the “passenger transportation” approach.
railway transportation, railway network development, MADM, TOPSIS
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