Activation of Transformation Leadership to Meet the Requirements of Managerial Innovation (Analysis Study of the Views of a Sample of Decision Makers in the State Company for Electrical Industries in Diyala Province)


Dawood N. Abdulamir , Mhmood s Mhumed ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-11 | Views: 1303 | Downloads: 440 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484297

Volume 7 - July 2018 (07)


The aim of this research is to identify the extent to which the leadership style of change has been implemented in achieving the requirements of managerial innovation in the State Company for Electrical Industries and to identify the factors and variables that affect the application and practice of the leadership change style in the Sate Company for Electrical Industries. The research questions are: what is the extent of the effect of the process of administrative innovation, and whether there is a moral correlation between the two variables. The research is based on the descriptive, analytical approach and the use of a statistical package (SPSS) to analyze the data. A number of results are reached, the most important of which is showing the practice of the change pattern leading to the administrative innovation in the company. The electrical devices also revealed some constraints and determinants that affect the application of the leadership change style in the company. The study reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the activation and practice of the transformational leadership style in the company in question, addressing the constraints and determinants that affect the application of the transformational leadership style, and the interest in managerial innovation as a way to achieve the leadership change style.


leader, followers, changes, transformational leadership, organization


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