Effect of Point of Purchase Advertising on Impulse Buying: A Study from Pakistan


Zaeema Asrar Mohiuddin ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 32-35 | Views: 1164 | Downloads: 404 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470731

Volume 6 - May 2017 (05)


Different economies have different characteristics, such as our economy is a consumption oriented economy.  Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan and one of the most populous cities in the world. There are people from different income groups. This city breaks the records for different occasional shopping in the country. Keeping this view in mind, this study has been carries to investigate the motivation for consumption. Data has been collected from 100 respondents in different shopping malls, Weekday Bazars and regular markets. The study has highlighted the impact of point of purchase advertising on consumers’ spending decision. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first study to capture the impact of point of purchase advertisement on impulse buying in the context of Pakistan. Results of the study disclose that 65% of the respondents are impulse buyers including both male and females. These 65% are attracted by every offer which has been offered or announced.


advertising, Impulse Buying, Point Purchase


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