The Implementation of the CSR Program as an Effort to Improve the Environmental Quality through the Empowerment of Scavengers


Dr. A. Rahman H.I, M.Si ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 32-39 | Views: 1670 | Downloads: 394 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484452

Volume 7 - August 2018 (08)


This study aims to analyze and explain how the CSR implementation carried out by PT. Tirta Investama (AQUA Group) through the Empowerment of Scavengers’ activities in South Tangerang. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a single case study design. The uniqueness of the CSR program carried out by PT. Tirta Investama (AQUA Group) is the implementation of CSR program that refers to environmental issues and integrated empowerment of scavengers. The results of the study show that: firstly, the CSR program implemented by PT. Tirta Investama (AQUA Group) is a commitment to fulfill the company's moral obligations, strengthen reputation, as a form of company compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations, as well as the company's steps to maintain sustainable business, secondly, CSR programs refer to the triple bottom line concept i.e. achieving profit by realizing the Recycling Business Unit (RBU) and Formation, achieving people by empowering through training in professional waste management, achieving the planet with the proper waste management process so that the volume of waste and environmental pollution can be reduced, thirdly, CSR programs have an impact on the community, this is shown by the award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia in the category of “Award of Producer Initiative in Waste Reduction”. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher suggests that companies consider the following: firstly, increasing community participation in CSR programs is very important. The future PT. Tirta Investama (AQUA Group) needs to design CSR programs collaboratively by involving wider stakeholders, not only scavengers but also the general public, secondly, developing communication models and strategies that are more targeted at the general public so that the success of CSR programs can be broader. In additions, it is necessary to add various communication and socialization media that can expand the implementation of CSR, and thirdly, maintaining the consistency of the existence of cooperatives, so that these cooperatives can be more developed in accelerating the economic welfare of members, especially scavengers.


CSR, Environment, Empowerment & Scavengers


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